Joya de Nicaragua, the country's oldest premium cigarmaker has been in the premium cigar industry for 55 years. JDN is commemorating this momentous occasion in the best way they know how - by crafting a top-notch cigar that truly does justice to their long-standing reputation. Cinco de Cinco is the latest addition to Joya de Nicaragua's prestigious Obras Maestras series, which also includes Cinco Decadas and Cuatro Cinco, marking another cigar anniversary for the brand.
Cinco de Cinco, which translates to five out of five, is a clear homage to the company's anniversary. Additionally, it serves as an invitation for cigar enthusiasts around the world to concur with the assertion that the Cinco de Cinco blend deserves an unparalleled five out of five rating in terms of its complexity and flavor profile. Savor each puff as you are met with a satisfyingly robust taste, featuring a moderate potency that delivers a full, rich blend of earthy undertones, complemented by subtle notes of cocoa and dark chocolate.
Joya de Nicaragua Cinco de Cinco is constructed in 5 vitolas with only 3 being available on US soil; the other 2 with be international exclusives. Order your 10-count box at discount Famous Smoke Shop prices.