Say hello to a fresh daily burner from Jesus Fuego cigars! These Nicaraguan Factory Seconds Cigars come with all the craftsmanship and flavor you come to expect from J. Fuego, one of the “old hands” of the Nicaraguan cigar scene. But even with an expert blender, talented torcedores, and premium tobaccos – not every cigar passes the box-worthiness test. Sometimes cigars get rejected by the QC department because the filler is askew, or the wrapper has a prominent blemish. Other times, it might be because of color inconsistencies - where the wrapper is a little lighter, darker, or uneven than the QC people would like.
But looks aren’t everything – and Nicaraguan Factory Seconds have become fan favorites for the price and the smoking experience they offer. Inventory changes frequently, so choose from a range of medium-bodied, generously sized vitolas while they last!