1502 cigars are ready to take their place alongside many of the best Nicaraguan cigars you can buy. Presented in a variety of meticulously handcrafted blends that appeal to cigar smokers of every experience, these boutique cigars offer superb quality and taste in a limited number of box-pressed sizes in four savory selections. At the heart of the 1502 brand are the three core lines: the 1502 Emerald, 1502 Ruby, and 1502 Black Gold. Each cigar is unique in character and designed to be enjoyed morning, noon, and night, starting with the medium-bodied Emerald, followed by the more full-flavored Ruby, and concluding with the full-bodied Black Gold. Of course, the choice is yours as to when you choose to revel in their rich Nicaraguan flavor, but whichever 1502 cigar you buy, you're in for a truly satisfying and unforgettable experience.
Launched in 2012 by native Nicaraguan, Enrique Sanchez Icaza, founder and CEO of Global Premium Cigars, 1502 Cigars were given their numerical name to commemorate the year Christopher Columbus discovered Nicaragua. Upon his arrival, Columbus also discovered a new world full of riches such as gold, silver, and precious stones for which the 1502 Emerald, Ruby, and Black Gold selections are named. But most importantly was the discovery of tobacco, which was used as a high value form of trade currency virtually equal to that of the Spanish Doubloon.
"In our premium brand 1502, you will find three tobacco lines with the highest quality, where the sowing process, harvest, curing, aging and selection of each tobacco leaf is our major concern," says Señor Sanchez. "It takes more than five years, from the time the seeds are sown until the time you can enjoy one of our fine cigars; this is why patience is one of our greatest virtues in the art of tobacco production."
1502 Emerald cigars yield a subtle strength and velvety smooth flavor that is achieved by a blend of long fillers from Estelí, Condega, and Mexico's San Andres valley pressed in a mouthwatering Nicaraguan Corojo Habano wrapper leaf. Delicate flavors of citrus, cedar, and roasted nut form the base, as aromas of honey, vanilla and floral notes drift amid the thick, creamy smoke.
1502 Ruby cigars were created to delight discerning smokers who seek more body and complexity from their cigars. A lusciously dark Ecuadorian wrapper surrounds a well-balanced blend of fully-aged tobaccos from Estelí and Jalapa, for a medium-bodied, full-flavored smoke brimming with earthy elements, sweet cedar, and subtle hints of macadamia nuts and sunflower seeds.
1502 Black Gold cigars bring on the muscle, full-tilt, for cigar smokers who enjoy extra bold tobacco flavor from end-to-end. A diverse Nicaraguan core is bound in two additional leaves, and finished in a maduro wrapper that's been nurtured by the sun to achieve the peak of flavor. Earthy-woody flavors abound as a layer of chili pepper works its way in, complemented by a delicate, chocolatey-fruity sweetness for a resounding multidimensional smoke.
1502 Nicaragua cigars boast an "all-inclusive" Nicaraguan blend that uses tobaccos from Nicaragua's four main growing regions: Estelí, Jalapa, Condega, and Ometepe. Medium-full in body, this cigar's flavor profile fits somewhere between the 1502 Emerald and 1502 Ruby offering a velvety smoothness and amazing balance. The smoke is earthy and woody with some fruity elements, enhanced by a toasty, honeyed aroma.
With so many wonderful blends to choose from, there's a 1502 cigar in your future. Browse the selections and find the 1502 cigar that's right for you - right now!