Founded in 2011 by Reinier Lorenzo. His vision was to pay homage to Havana City, Cuba where he lived for most of his life, and HVC has managed to keep the Cuban tradition of hand-made cigars alive and well. Every HVC cigar has been inspired by the cigar tradition of Cuba, specifically Havana City, while incorporating the customs of our adopted U.S. home. HVC is committed to blending the finest leaves from Nicaragua, making each cigar a unique experience in-and-of itself.
HVC's cigar stable includes the HVC Cerro, Edicion Especial 2015, HVC La Rosa 520 Limited Edition, Pan Caliente, and San Isidro. All of their line extensions offer a refined cigar that's expertly handcrafted, rich in flavor, and well-balanced. Choose the HVC Company cigars that are right for you and add them to your Famous Smoke Shop order. You will be very impressed, indeed!