The name in itself causes a rise in the pulse of every premium cigar enthusiast. Hallmark to the brand is their Cuban-seed, Nicaraguan-grown tobaccos aged between 2½ years and 10 years - producing four of the most sought-after smokes on the market. Flavor is the name of the game here, as each and every Padron cigar is made with an eye to complexity and consistency; but in limited annual production, keeping these premiums at the peak of their flavor.
The Padron's family legacy dates back over a century to their native Cuba. But when 36 year-old José found himself as a refugee in Miami in 1962, he was given a hammer and took up work as a carpenter with the dream to save some money and ""open a factory to make great cigars, like the ones we used to smoke in Cuba."" Two years later, and with $600 in his pocket, Padron Cigars Miami opened their doors. Today, the company's manufacturing process is integrated in a way that gives them strict control over the often-quoted quality and consistency of their smokes; and that's everything, from the selection and planting of the tobacco seedlings to the rolling to the final quality checks.
Four lines make up the Padrón cigar offering...and if you've ever met someone who likes to buy Padron cigars regularly, "rabid enthusiasm" is putting it mildly. In order to understand where these folks are coming from, let's start with the Padrón Series (aka the "Numbered Series"), known simply as Padron 2000 cigars, 3000 and 7000, as well as "A" and the like. Medium-to-full bodied, you can bring your Padróns home in your choice of natural or Maduro wrappers and fifteen sizes and shapes - all of them using tobaccos aged no less than 2 ½ years.
As for the other Padron cigars for sale, let's call them luxury smokes; and as with all good (yet limited quantity) things in great demand, Padrón cigars are often counterfeited - nearly as much as Cubans. Thus, the serial number on the following cigars' bands aren't just for show, or just as evidence of their limited production. Just to be clear - if you buy cigars online from Famous Smoke Shop, your Padrons are legit.
Following up the original was the Padron 1964 Anniversary: boasting 11 sizes in both sun-grown natural and maduro wraps, reviews of the full-bodied Padron 1964 talk up complexity and being a mouthwateringly-smooth smoke. Released to commemorate the company's 30th Anniversary in 1994, the tobacco in each cigar is aged 4 years, rolled and box-pressed to show off that patented Padron pepper. Following suit, the Padrón 1926 Serie was released in 2001, as a birthday celebration when Jose hit the big 75; highly regarded, Padron 1926 reviews gush over this full-bodied and box-pressed blast of 5-10 year-aged Nicaraguan tobacco that made its name on balance and flavor. But it's Padrón's Family Reserve that are the most recently introduced cream of this crop...made with extensively aged Nicaraguan tobaccos (10 years or more), Family Reserve represents what was once the family's private stash. A super highly-rated super-premium, these Padrons are the best of their best.
José Padrón still has his hammer, and it's become part of the company's logo as a reminder of how he started over and built something to support his family. And since 1964, the company has developed their reputation by sticking to their tradition of producing handmades with the same Cuban-born recipe and techniques that have been used for generations with the motto, "When Padrón is on the label, quality is a matter of family honor."
Buy Padron Cigars online at discount prices here at Famous Smoke Shop.