These tasty cigars share an interesting history: originally introduced at Havana's El Laguito factory in 1969, Trinidad Cuban cigars were once a prized cigar of the island nation's government. They were once used as official gifts from Cuban diplomats - not as extensively aged as Castro's prized Cohibas, but sharing similar blend components they were still worthy of gifting to ambassadors from around the world. Trinidad cigars would soon meet Cuba's mass market in the late 1990s.
Around the same time, a non-Cuban Trinidad cigar was introduced - and various line extensions would follow:
Trinidad Paradox is a modern take on the Cuban classic, box-pressed for a fuller-bodied smoking experience that's rich and bold. Made with Cuban-seed San Andrés Criollo '98 wrappers, Dominican Piloto binder and Nicaraguan filler blend, this non-Cuban Trinidad cigar still brims with the exotic taste of the original.
Trinidad Cigars' Lost Blends series were a limited edition offering of cigars discovered in the depths of their cedar aging room; they were released to the public in late May 2015. Trinidad is now available in 3 blends Trinidad Espiritu, Trinidad Espiritu Series No. 2, and Trinidad Esteli by Plasencia
On the whole, Trinidad cigar reviews consistently score well into the 90's by industry experts; everyday cigar enthusiasts appreciate Trinidad's full body and smooth smoke. And today, Trinidad cigars are a way to enjoy a historic Cuban heritage brand with a much more wallet-friendly price: shop the best Trinidad cigar price now at Famous Smoke Shop!