Carlos Torano Signature Churchill
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill cigars offer a sweet, woody, rich-tasting smoke laced with colorful spicy notes. A thick, dark, Brazilian Maduro wrapper and a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan & Dominican long-filler tobaccos make this complex cigar an outstanding after-dinner smoke. Try 5 now!
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill cigars offer a sweet, woody, rich-tasting smoke laced with colorful spicy notes. A thick, dark, Brazilian Maduro wrapper and a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan & Dominican long-filler tobaccos make this complex cigar an outstanding after-dinner smoke. Try 5 now!
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill cigars offer a sweet, woody, rich-tasting smoke laced with colorful spicy notes. A thick, dark, Brazilian Maduro wrapper and a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan & Dominican long-filler tobaccos make this complex cigar an outstanding after-dinner smoke. Try 5 now!
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill
Carlos Torano Signature Churchill cigars offer a sweet, woody, rich-tasting smoke laced with colorful spicy notes. A thick, dark, Brazilian Maduro wrapper and a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan & Dominican long-filler tobaccos make this complex cigar an outstanding after-dinner smoke. Try 5 now!