Davidoff Signature 2000
Flawless construction and an exquisite taste characterize this cigar from Davidoff's beloved Thousand series. While mild in strength, the Corona-shaped No. 2000 offers a fuller flavor than other vitolas in the line. Created for those who appreciate understated elegance and the finer things in life.
Davidoff Signature 2000
Flawless construction and an exquisite taste characterize this cigar from Davidoff's beloved Thousand series. While mild in strength, the Corona-shaped No. 2000 offers a fuller flavor than other vitolas in the line. Created for those who appreciate understated elegance and the finer things in life.
Davidoff Signature 2000
Flawless construction and an exquisite taste characterize this cigar from Davidoff's beloved Thousand series. While mild in strength, the Corona-shaped No. 2000 offers a fuller flavor than other vitolas in the line. Created for those who appreciate understated elegance and the finer things in life.
Davidoff Signature 2000
Flawless construction and an exquisite taste characterize this cigar from Davidoff's beloved Thousand series. While mild in strength, the Corona-shaped No. 2000 offers a fuller flavor than other vitolas in the line. Created for those who appreciate understated elegance and the finer things in life.