Davidoff Signature Toro
Davidoff has a reputation for making quality cigars. It's handmade in the Dominican Republic with a mellow blend of tobaccos. The Toro cigar is aromatic with appetizing notes of earth, toasty wood, with a creamy finish. Save on premium cigars at Famous!
Davidoff Signature Toro
Davidoff has a reputation for making quality cigars. It's handmade in the Dominican Republic with a mellow blend of tobaccos. The Toro cigar is aromatic with appetizing notes of earth, toasty wood, with a creamy finish. Save on premium cigars at Famous!
Davidoff Signature Toro
Davidoff has a reputation for making quality cigars. It's handmade in the Dominican Republic with a mellow blend of tobaccos. The Toro cigar is aromatic with appetizing notes of earth, toasty wood, with a creamy finish. Save on premium cigars at Famous!