Flor De Las Antillas Toro
Produced by My Father, these cigars were created to pay tribute to the island of Cuba, where the Garcia's originally began making cigars. This soft box-pressed Toro earned the #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the year honors in 2012. A much-deserved recognition for this simply AWESOME cigar. Everything about them is first-rate, from their Cuban seed tobaccos to their sun-grown Nicaraguan wrappers. Multiple ordering options are available: 3-packs, 5-packs, or grab-up a box 20 and make your humidor smile. Best pricing available, only from Famous Smoke Shop!
Flor De Las Antillas Toro
Produced by My Father, these cigars were created to pay tribute to the island of Cuba, where the Garcia's originally began making cigars. This soft box-pressed Toro earned the #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the year honors in 2012. A much-deserved recognition for this simply AWESOME cigar. Everything about them is first-rate, from their Cuban seed tobaccos to their sun-grown Nicaraguan wrappers. Multiple ordering options are available: 3-packs, 5-packs, or grab-up a box 20 and make your humidor smile. Best pricing available, only from Famous Smoke Shop!
Flor De Las Antillas Toro
Produced by My Father, these cigars were created to pay tribute to the island of Cuba, where the Garcia's originally began making cigars. This soft box-pressed Toro earned the #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the year honors in 2012. A much-deserved recognition for this simply AWESOME cigar. Everything about them is first-rate, from their Cuban seed tobaccos to their sun-grown Nicaraguan wrappers. Multiple ordering options are available: 3-packs, 5-packs, or grab-up a box 20 and make your humidor smile. Best pricing available, only from Famous Smoke Shop!
Flor De Las Antillas Toro
Produced by My Father, these cigars were created to pay tribute to the island of Cuba, where the Garcia's originally began making cigars. This soft box-pressed Toro earned the #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the year honors in 2012. A much-deserved recognition for this simply AWESOME cigar. Everything about them is first-rate, from their Cuban seed tobaccos to their sun-grown Nicaraguan wrappers. Multiple ordering options are available: 3-packs, 5-packs, or grab-up a box 20 and make your humidor smile. Best pricing available, only from Famous Smoke Shop!
Flor De Las Antillas Toro
Produced by My Father, these cigars were created to pay tribute to the island of Cuba, where the Garcia's originally began making cigars. This soft box-pressed Toro earned the #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the year honors in 2012. A much-deserved recognition for this simply AWESOME cigar. Everything about them is first-rate, from their Cuban seed tobaccos to their sun-grown Nicaraguan wrappers. Multiple ordering options are available: 3-packs, 5-packs, or grab-up a box 20 and make your humidor smile. Best pricing available, only from Famous Smoke Shop!