Padron Cigar Of The Year Samp.
The tobacco used to make Padron cigars is grown in Nicaragua from Cuban seeds, aged and patiently hand-rolled. The pleasant and unique taste of the cigars will not stop the prices from being very economical. Padron cigars are typically recognizable thanks to their square-pressed shape, medium to full bodied flavor and their dark and oily wrappers. Smokers will notice notes of coffee and cocoa beans while enjoying these well-balanced puros. Padron cigars always meet good quality standards thanks
Padron Cigar Of The Year Samp.
The tobacco used to make Padron cigars is grown in Nicaragua from Cuban seeds, aged and patiently hand-rolled. The pleasant and unique taste of the cigars will not stop the prices from being very economical. Padron cigars are typically recognizable thanks to their square-pressed shape, medium to full bodied flavor and their dark and oily wrappers. Smokers will notice notes of coffee and cocoa beans while enjoying these well-balanced puros. Padron cigars always meet good quality standards thanks