Rocky Patel Decade Toro
Rocky Patel Decade Toro cigars offer the seasoned palate a bold, full-bodied, and complex smoke oozing with dark, earthy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavors. The cigar is well-packed with an excellent draw, firm ash, and enticing aroma. As Rocky would say, 'A very decadent cigar.' A must-smoke!
Rocky Patel Decade Toro
Rocky Patel Decade Toro cigars offer the seasoned palate a bold, full-bodied, and complex smoke oozing with dark, earthy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavors. The cigar is well-packed with an excellent draw, firm ash, and enticing aroma. As Rocky would say, 'A very decadent cigar.' A must-smoke!
Rocky Patel Decade Toro
Rocky Patel Decade Toro cigars offer the seasoned palate a bold, full-bodied, and complex smoke oozing with dark, earthy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavors. The cigar is well-packed with an excellent draw, firm ash, and enticing aroma. As Rocky would say, 'A very decadent cigar.' A must-smoke!
Rocky Patel Decade Toro
Rocky Patel Decade Toro cigars offer the seasoned palate a bold, full-bodied, and complex smoke oozing with dark, earthy, and naturally sweet tobacco flavors. The cigar is well-packed with an excellent draw, firm ash, and enticing aroma. As Rocky would say, 'A very decadent cigar.' A must-smoke!