Tatuaje Havana Cazadores
Tatuaje cigars are handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua under the direction of Jose Pepin Garcia. Created by Pete Johnson, each Tatuaje cigar is handcrafted with 1st generation Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos cured to perfection and finished in zesty Ecuadorian-grown Habano wrappers with a beautiful Cuban-style triple-cap. Add these medium to full-bodied cigars to your cart now so you can discover their perfect balance of earthy and spicy elements. (Note: some selections are made in Miami, FL.)
Tatuaje Havana Cazadores
Tatuaje cigars are handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua under the direction of Jose Pepin Garcia. Created by Pete Johnson, each Tatuaje cigar is handcrafted with 1st generation Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos cured to perfection and finished in zesty Ecuadorian-grown Habano wrappers with a beautiful Cuban-style triple-cap. Add these medium to full-bodied cigars to your cart now so you can discover their perfect balance of earthy and spicy elements. (Note: some selections are made in Miami, FL.)
Tatuaje Havana Cazadores
Tatuaje cigars are handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua under the direction of Jose Pepin Garcia. Created by Pete Johnson, each Tatuaje cigar is handcrafted with 1st generation Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos cured to perfection and finished in zesty Ecuadorian-grown Habano wrappers with a beautiful Cuban-style triple-cap. Add these medium to full-bodied cigars to your cart now so you can discover their perfect balance of earthy and spicy elements. (Note: some selections are made in Miami, FL.)