Tatuaje Reserva Nicaragua Petite Tatuaje
Experience the world-renowned Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars crafted in the famous My Father cigar factory by none other than Don "Pepin" Garcia. Composed of 1st generation Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua, this Petite Tatuaje cigar offers a robust, big-bodied flavor. Delicately wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano tobacco leaf bringing home the classic Tat flavor you know and love. Grab a box of 50 and share them with your friends - they will be impressed no doubt!
Tatuaje Reserva Nicaragua Petite Tatuaje
Experience the world-renowned Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars crafted in the famous My Father cigar factory by none other than Don "Pepin" Garcia. Composed of 1st generation Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua, this Petite Tatuaje cigar offers a robust, big-bodied flavor. Delicately wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano tobacco leaf bringing home the classic Tat flavor you know and love. Grab a box of 50 and share them with your friends - they will be impressed no doubt!
Tatuaje Reserva Nicaragua Petite Tatuaje
Experience the world-renowned Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars crafted in the famous My Father cigar factory by none other than Don "Pepin" Garcia. Composed of 1st generation Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua, this Petite Tatuaje cigar offers a robust, big-bodied flavor. Delicately wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano tobacco leaf bringing home the classic Tat flavor you know and love. Grab a box of 50 and share them with your friends - they will be impressed no doubt!
Tatuaje Reserva Nicaragua Petite Tatuaje
Experience the world-renowned Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars crafted in the famous My Father cigar factory by none other than Don "Pepin" Garcia. Composed of 1st generation Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua, this Petite Tatuaje cigar offers a robust, big-bodied flavor. Delicately wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano tobacco leaf bringing home the classic Tat flavor you know and love. Grab a box of 50 and share them with your friends - they will be impressed no doubt!