Named for the ancient kingdom of Aksumite, a civilization steeped in biblical history and legend, Aksum cigars (briefly known as Metapa cigars), embody Foundation Cigar Company’s commitment to tradition and innovation. With a change of name only, Aksum cigars continue to deliver the same exceptional, medium-full pleasure offered in both Claro and Maduro wrappers.
The blend is built upon prime Ecuador Sumatra wrappers that Nick Melillo fermented in two shades: as a Claro wrapper with a lighter complexion, and a darker Maduro wrapper. Underneath lies a well-balanced core of Connecticut Broadleaf binder over Nicaraguan fillers from Esteli and Jalapa. The result is a harmonious fusion of flavors that showcases Nick’s knack for blending great cigars. Both wrapper shades create a different smoking experience on the palate; not so much in body and strength as in flavors, which may include nuances of coffee, cocoa, roasted nuts, leather, and sweet tobacco, all carried by a light, peppery undercurrent.
Available in four popular sizes presented in boxes of 10 cigars, the image on the boxes and bands is Haile Selassie’s Father, Ras Makonnen, a former governor of Aksum who was regarded as one of the great leaders of Abyssinia and confidant to Emperor Menelik II. Foundation fans will no doubt find Aksum a must-smoke, as will more experienced cigar smokers with a bent for intriguing artisan-crafted cigars. Be sure to add some Aksum to your Famous order today!