Allegiance is the latest cigar by the legendary Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, two-time winner of Cigar Aficionado’s cigar of the year award, and one of the most popular names in the cigar world.
Allegiance is a standout amongst other E.P.C cigars produced at the company’s factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Unlike E.P. Carrillo’s previous cigars, Allegiance is a partnership with Oliva cigars, produced in Nicaragua by Oliva Cigar Co. This partnership panned out very nicely as the Toro-sized Confidant from this Allegiance blend earned a well-deserved 95 rating, accompanied by further acclaim securing its position as the #7 Cigar of the Year in 2023.
“Allegiance is an ode to roots, friendships, and bonds,” says Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. The blend captures a medium-bodied profile with a Nicaraguan core boasting a Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador. Allegiance cigars are offered in four sizes: Robusto, Toro, Double Corona, and No.58 Gordo. These cigars are sold in 20-count boxes and there is a limited number available on their initial run. Show your allegiance to one of the best cigar makers ever and pick up a box today!