The story of Avo Classic cigars begins with the late, internationally renowned pianist and composer, Avo Uvezian, whose love for cigars was about as passionate as his love for music. Many years ago, while living in Puerto Rico, Avo had a nightly jazz gig and would place cigars that he bought locally on top of the piano. In 1987 Avo was introduced to esteemed Davidoff cigar blender, Hendrik Kelner who offered to create a cigar just for him. Working together, that mellow and creamy blend continues today as the popular Avo Classic.
A medley of five diverse Dominican tobaccos grown in the fertile Cibao Valley, including a filler leaf aged 25 years, are surrounded by a silky Ecuador Connecticut wrapper. The result is a smoke with an extraordinary balance of flavors that swirl about the palate like an Avo jazz solo. Even just holding the cigar and admiring its elegant band makes you feel like you’re smoking something special.
“Wow, this cigar is always impressive and a great smoke. Good flavor, great burn, and always smooth,” wrote Jerimiah, while Harley W. wrote that his Avo Classic is “My favorite golf day cigar.” Plus, you’ll find dozens more 5-star reviews throughout the line. Add a box or a 5-pack to your order and start enjoying the refined flavor and aroma of Avo Classic today.