Introduced in 2024, Gellis Family Cigars is a division of Warped, the cigar brand that Kyle Gellis launched to huge success in 2007. Although the two brands are blood relatives, Gellis Family Cigars was founded to create a new line of cigars branded without the Warped name. Additionally, they come with the same dedication to crafting unique, Cuban-inspired cigars that have put a restraining order on trendy.
“I’ve been blending cigars and developing Warped since I was 18 years old…When I made the decision to create a brand with my family’s name on it, a new path and tradition was set,” said Gellis. “At Gellis Family Cigars, we strive to bring you dynamic sensory experiences that immerse you deep into the life cycle of our tobacco.”
Aimed at cigar smokers with a yen for artisanal-crafted blends. Made in the Dominican Republic at Tabacalera La iSLA and adorned with a big “G” on the bands, the inaugural, regular production releases are Marevas, a 5 1/8 x 43 Corona, and Saunter, a 5 1/4 x48 Robusto.
If you’re already a Kyle Gellis fan, Gellis Family cigars should be a no-brainer. Choose the blend that’s right for you and add a box to your order today.