Hoyo Cigars are among the original cigars of Cuba that have also been made in Honduras for the U.S. market since 1969. Also referred to as "the authentic Honduran," they are made "en la manera de los Indios" ("the Indian way") and considered "the standard" for all Honduran cigars. Their full-flavored taste comes from a well-balanced blend of perfectly-aged long-fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, plus a Connecticut broadleaf binder, all seamlessly wrapped in your choice of Ecuadorian Sumatra (Natural), or dark, U.S. Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro and Broadleaf Oscuro wrappers. Add this distinctive, affordably-priced cigar that has satisfied smokers for generations, to your cart now.
It all started in 1865 when the original Hoyo de Monterrey cigars were created by Don José Gener who, at the time was one of the most respected tobacco growers in Cuba's famed Pinar Del Rio. When he was 13 years old Gener emigrated from Spain to Cuba to work on his uncle's plantation in Vuelta Abajo. Two decades later Gener opened his own cigar factory in Havana, where he created the famed La Escepción brand.
By 1865 José Gener had saved enough money to purchase one of the best tobacco farms in Vuelta Abajo. Named for the concave-shaped terrain of the valley, Gener registered the name Hoyo de Monterrey, which in Spanish translates to "the hole of Monterrey." The brand became exceedingly popular in Great Britain, and soon Gener's Havana factory became one of the largest facilities in Havana making Cuban cigars for sale. When Gener died in 1900, his daughter Lutgarda took over the family business and kept it operating until 1930. The following year the Gener family sold the Hoyo de Monterrey and La Escepción brands to Fernandez, Palicio y Cía who were already making Punch and Belinda.
Fast-forward to 1964. Villazon factory owner, Frank Llaneza, famed for creating the Honduran-made Punch blend and several other Cuban-origin brands, established Danli's first tobacco factory, Honduras-American Tobacco S.A. (HATSA). However, it was the HATSA factory in Corfradia, Honduras where, under the gifted direction of cigar master Estelo Padrón, that the first Hoyo de Monterrey cigars were rolled outside of Cuba. Don Estelo's goal was to create a blend similar in character to the Hoyo de Monterrey Cuban cigars. After its introduction in 1969, Hoyo de Monterrey became so popular that by the early 1970's it had also established itself as an esteemed Honduran tradition.
In 1996, Llaneza sold Villazon to General Cigar, and today Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are still made in the 19th century Cuban tradition using only the most prime tobaccos.
As an homage to the cigars of Cuba in their halcyon days, in 2007 Estelo Padrón created the Hoyo de Tradición line. This box-pressed Hoyo de Monterrey cigar offers a complex 4-nation blend including a hearty, proprietary Nicaraguan Ometepe leaf with a buttery Honduran Jamastran Viso Rosado wrapper. In addition to their traditional Cuban flavor, the Hoyo de Tradición cigar bands are printed with the original Cuban brand artwork, making this series about as close to Havana as it gets.
Hoyo de Monterrey cigars continue to be a highly-sought-after brand for their easy draw, clean burn, consistently full-flavor, and rich-tasting finish, which is why if you buy cigars online, this beloved brand should have a section in your humidor.