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Cigar Deals!Deals

Plasencia Cigar Brands

Plasencia cigars have earned a stellar reputation in the industry, and much of that success is attributed to Nestor Plasencia Sr., one of the most respected tobacco experts in the world. With operations in Honduras and Nicaragua, Plasencia's factories produce premium and discount cigars for over 30 brands and have established their own impressive lineup. Famous for their commitment to quality and craftsmanship, Plasencia cigars include private labels like Aspira, Pai Gow, Carinos, and the standout Plasencia Reserva Organica, the first 100% certified organic cigar on the market.

Plasencia cigars reflect Nestor's belief that while not everything in tobacco can be controlled, what can be controlled is done with precision and passion. Add a selection of Plasencia cigars to your humidor and experience the legacy of one of the industry's true masters.
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Best Selling Plasencia Products

Famous Smoke is a secure retailer of the finest cigars online at the web's best prices. Please note that Famous Smoke Shop does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 (or the minimum age in your local jurisdiction, whichever is higher). Note also that it is unlawful to even attempt to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter our site. For more information on how we verify age click here.
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