Dutch Masters President
Sold across the US since 1911, Dutch Masters President cigars remain among America's preferred, everyday smoke with a natural cigar wrapper. Even those who don't think they've ever seen a Dutch Masters cigar has probably had a glimpse of their famous cigar boxes depicting Rembrandt's masterpiece, "The Syndics Of The Drapers' Guild." And although Dutch Masters cigars are produced in large quantities, the people who work for Dutch Masters believe that craft is what counts. That's why they always use only the finest tobaccos and naturally smooth Connecticut wrapper to produce the signature slow burn and flavor worthy of the Dutch Masters name. You can always count on every Dutch Masters cigar to deliver a distinctive, smooth smoking experience that satisfies at a great price. Add a box of Presidents to your order today.
Dutch Masters President
Sold across the US since 1911, Dutch Masters President cigars remain among America's preferred, everyday smoke with a natural cigar wrapper. Even those who don't think they've ever seen a Dutch Masters cigar has probably had a glimpse of their famous cigar boxes depicting Rembrandt's masterpiece, "The Syndics Of The Drapers' Guild." And although Dutch Masters cigars are produced in large quantities, the people who work for Dutch Masters believe that craft is what counts. That's why they always use only the finest tobaccos and naturally smooth Connecticut wrapper to produce the signature slow burn and flavor worthy of the Dutch Masters name. You can always count on every Dutch Masters cigar to deliver a distinctive, smooth smoking experience that satisfies at a great price. Add a box of Presidents to your order today.
Dutch Masters President
Sold across the US since 1911, Dutch Masters President cigars remain among America's preferred, everyday smoke with a natural cigar wrapper. Even those who don't think they've ever seen a Dutch Masters cigar has probably had a glimpse of their famous cigar boxes depicting Rembrandt's masterpiece, "The Syndics Of The Drapers' Guild." And although Dutch Masters cigars are produced in large quantities, the people who work for Dutch Masters believe that craft is what counts. That's why they always use only the finest tobaccos and naturally smooth Connecticut wrapper to produce the signature slow burn and flavor worthy of the Dutch Masters name. You can always count on every Dutch Masters cigar to deliver a distinctive, smooth smoking experience that satisfies at a great price. Add a box of Presidents to your order today.
Dutch Masters President
Sold across the US since 1911, Dutch Masters President cigars remain among America's preferred, everyday smoke with a natural cigar wrapper. Even those who don't think they've ever seen a Dutch Masters cigar has probably had a glimpse of their famous cigar boxes depicting Rembrandt's masterpiece, "The Syndics Of The Drapers' Guild." And although Dutch Masters cigars are produced in large quantities, the people who work for Dutch Masters believe that craft is what counts. That's why they always use only the finest tobaccos and naturally smooth Connecticut wrapper to produce the signature slow burn and flavor worthy of the Dutch Masters name. You can always count on every Dutch Masters cigar to deliver a distinctive, smooth smoking experience that satisfies at a great price. Add a box of Presidents to your order today.
(ends 10/07)