Zino Nicaragua Toro
Elevate your everyday cigar experience with Zino Nicaragua Toro cigars. These luxurious, yet surprisingly affordable Davidoff cousins feature a classic, 6x50 format in a silky Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper that caps a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan Seco binder with Honduran Jamastran and Olancho Visos, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican San Vicente fillers. Expertly crafted for a medium-bodied profile, expect rich notes of cream, cedar, roasted coffee, leather, white pepper, sweet spices, and subtle earth tones. If you’re looking for exceptional quality and value, check out this must-try Toro and discover its rich, refined flavors. Add a box or a 4-cigar Fresh Pack to your cart now.
Zino Nicaragua Toro
Elevate your everyday cigar experience with Zino Nicaragua Toro cigars. These luxurious, yet surprisingly affordable Davidoff cousins feature a classic, 6x50 format in a silky Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper that caps a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan Seco binder with Honduran Jamastran and Olancho Visos, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican San Vicente fillers. Expertly crafted for a medium-bodied profile, expect rich notes of cream, cedar, roasted coffee, leather, white pepper, sweet spices, and subtle earth tones. If you’re looking for exceptional quality and value, check out this must-try Toro and discover its rich, refined flavors. Add a box or a 4-cigar Fresh Pack to your cart now.
Zino Nicaragua Toro
Elevate your everyday cigar experience with Zino Nicaragua Toro cigars. These luxurious, yet surprisingly affordable Davidoff cousins feature a classic, 6x50 format in a silky Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper that caps a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan Seco binder with Honduran Jamastran and Olancho Visos, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican San Vicente fillers. Expertly crafted for a medium-bodied profile, expect rich notes of cream, cedar, roasted coffee, leather, white pepper, sweet spices, and subtle earth tones. If you’re looking for exceptional quality and value, check out this must-try Toro and discover its rich, refined flavors. Add a box or a 4-cigar Fresh Pack to your cart now.
Zino Nicaragua Toro
Elevate your everyday cigar experience with Zino Nicaragua Toro cigars. These luxurious, yet surprisingly affordable Davidoff cousins feature a classic, 6x50 format in a silky Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper that caps a well-balanced blend of Nicaraguan Seco binder with Honduran Jamastran and Olancho Visos, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican San Vicente fillers. Expertly crafted for a medium-bodied profile, expect rich notes of cream, cedar, roasted coffee, leather, white pepper, sweet spices, and subtle earth tones. If you’re looking for exceptional quality and value, check out this must-try Toro and discover its rich, refined flavors. Add a box or a 4-cigar Fresh Pack to your cart now.
(ends 01/05)