Live life from A to Z! This is the motif for this intriguing Zino Nicaragua cigars selection. Emblazoned with eye-catching, bright yellow bands, the blend is aimed at cigar smokers who crave earthy flavor profiles with a sweet-spicy character. And the kicker is, the entire line comes with a very attractive price point.
Medium in body, Zino Nicaragua starts with a plush Connecticut shade wrapper from Ecuador that caps a Nicaraguan Semilla 56 Seco, and a long-filler combination of Honduran Jamastran and Olancho, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and San Vicente from the Dominican Republic. The result is a luxuriously rich, creamy smoke with notes of pepper, cedar and coffee out of the gate, then leather, cream, and salted nuts, and finally, light coffee, sweet spices, and chocolate. If that doesn’t get your mouth watering...
No humidor? No problem! In addition to the boxes of 25, Zino Nicaragua also comes in four-count “Fresh Packs” that keep the cigars fresh at the perfect humidity level for up to several weeks.
Inspired by different cultures and ways of life, this selection has single-handedly reinvented the world-famous Zino brand, making Zino Nicaragua a must-smoke for cigar lovers at every level of experience. Add a box or a 4-pack to your cart today!