AJ Fernandez presents Días de Gloria Brazil cigars, a bold fusion of Brazilian and Nicaraguan tobacco craftsmanship that is designed to captivate the palates of AJF followers and other avid cigar enthusiasts who crave cigars with intensity and complexity.
Released as a regular production, all box-pressed selection, Días de Gloria Brazil showcases a dark, luxurious Brazilian Mata Fina maduro wrapper enveloping an all-Nicaraguan binder and filler core, cultivated from tobaccos grown on AJ’s estate farms. Skillfully handcrafted at Tabacalera A.J. Fernández in Estelí, the result is a full-bodied, full-flavored experience that lends a heartfelt salute to pre-Castro cigar tobaccos while blazing a new frontier in flavor.
Dias se Gloria Brazil cigars are available in five popular sizes with cedar overwraps and are presented in bright green boxes of 20 cigars. Each stick promises a memorable journey through rich, vibrant flavors that celebrate the glorious heritage of both Brazilian and Nicaraguan tobacco traditions. Or as the company put it: “In crafting this cigar, AJ Fernandez not only pays tribute to the glory days of tobacco but also will create new glory days for every connoisseur.”.
Upon their release, the Días de Gloria Brazil line became an instant bestseller. Plan to do everything you can to get your hands on these as soon as you can: choose your favorite size and add a box to your cart now.