RoMa Craft Tobac's limited edition cigars are truly exclusive, as only a limited number of these rare and experimental blends are produced. Discover the unique creations of Michael Rosales and Skip Martin, the visionaries behind the institution known as RoMa Craft cigars. These limited smokes allow Famous Smoke Shop customers the opportunity to enjoy a unique variation of RoMa's top-selling products. By indulging in these sometimes hard-to-find cigars you will take a blending journey with the RoMa Craft team! Taste the incorporation of unique tobaccos and imagine the development of the cigar-making approach across different growing seasons.
Find specifically designed RoMa Craft cigar samplers or limited edition CroMagnon or Intemperance blends that employ the same beloved blend recipe but boast a different outer wrapper from the original blend. One may have the opportunity to discover a truly remarkable cigar collaboration, such as the RoMa Craft Tobac Quinquagenario, which was skillfully crafted by the collaborative efforts of both Skip Martin and Ernesto Perez-Carrillo from E.P. Carrillo.
Take an opportunity to browse through our selection of limited smokes. Maybe you will find that one-of-a-kind cigar from RoMa Craft you just can't pass up!