Macanudo cigars are the world's most popular handmade premium cigars, first introduced to the market in 1971, and are still one of the most iconic brands today. Macanudo is currently manufactured in the Dominican Republic at the famed Tabacalera de Garcia factory by General Cigar Company. From humble beginnings in the small Tabacalera in Jamaica where Ramon Cifuentes and Edgar Cullman blended the historic first Macanudo cigar one thing that has never changed is their passion to craft unrivaled premium cigars.
With such a rich history, massive popularity, and a lineup of modern blends mixed with their traditional offerings such as the classic blend of Macanudo Cafe, no one can deny why Macanudo is an industry leader.
The expansion of Macanudo includes an outstanding variety to expand your palate and find the perfect cigar for any occasion no matter what type of cigar smoker you are. From full-bodied blends within the highly-rated Inspirado brands like Inspirado, Red, Inpirado Black, & Inspirado Orange, or for a mellow classic try Gold Label by Macanudo - there’s a perfect option for all tastes!
Further refinement and use of new blending and infusion techniques have brought Macanudo to a new level with M by Macanudo. Macanudo has always brought top-notch flavor into their cigars, now they have started a new revelation to their ever-expanding cigar brands by adding multiple flavor-infused cigar blends to their cigar portfolio: M by Macanudo, M Bourbon, and M Espresso.
Take pride in owning a part of smoking’s rich heritage, handcrafted and rooted in over 200 years of tobacco expertise. Each of Macanudos cigars is loved by millions of cigar smokers across the globe. The only question that remains is why haven't you picked up yours yet?
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